How Much Is My Smith Mountain Lake Home Worth In Today's Market?
If you are considering selling your Smith Mountain Lake property, please complete the form below for a comprehensive valuation by Front Door. You will be contacted within 24 hours to make arrangements for Front Door to see the property in person after which, a comprehensive value assessment will be provided that is grounded in the current market conditions for SML.
Front Door strongly recommends that that you do not rely on standard online valuations such as Zillow’s “Zestimate”. Why? Because these types of valuations rely on automated algorithms to arrive at a number. This works fairly well in residential NON-lakefront neighborhoods across the country where lot values are both a relatively small percentage of the overall value of properties and lot values are fairly consistent between properties. When these items are true it is reasonable for automated estimates to rely on recent sales data of neighborhood properties and make adjustments for things like the square footage of the home. At Smith Mountain Lake however, it is most often the case that neither of these things are true. Lot value is almost always a large percentage of a properties value and two lots even adjacent to one another can be vastly different in terms of quality. Front Door has developed a highly detailed and accurate approach to valuation of lake properties that considers all aspect of the property as it compares to comps including the variability of lot aspects such a lake location, views, feet of water front as well as all aspects of the home and dock.
Complete Form for a Free property Valuation